Monday, April 21, 2008

Under construction

So it's taken a couple of years, a lot of therpy and more pints of ice cream than I care to share, but I've finally come to terms with the demise of Veronica Mars. In order to celebrate this milestone in my mental health, I've decided to bring TV is LOVE back from the dead. I'll be revamping the site, adding some *gasp* content and generally getting my blog on for the first time in a long time. Be patient with me as I transition from doing nothing to doing something again. It'll be a rough couple of weeks but I think it'll be worth it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Veronica Mars: 2.18- I Am God

It took two viewings and tons of chat with other Mars fans from across the country, but I have come to love "I Am God". The first go round I was very "meh" about it, but the more I see it and discuss it, the more I see the wealth within the episode. And, yes, I know I'm a week behind. Sorry! I'll try to be better!!

First of all, we got a ton of bus-related goodness. Now, sure, most of the stuff we learned will probably end up being red herrings, but there were a few clues that stood out:

-The "outing of all outings": Peter (aka Mizz P from the Pirate S.H.I.P. boards) warned of the "outing of all outings" when he was still with us and this week we learned that the trip to the ball park may be related. Word around the online playground is Mayor Woody McCreepy is the target of Peter's de-closeting.

- The (fake) patriot: Tommy Dohanic is Lucky, an ex-Iraqi soldier who got shot in the butt for America. He spends his free time getting revenge on non-09ers, smoking pot and playing video games. Before the bus crash our favorite child abusers, the Mannings, had Lucky over a few times to chat up Meg. To them, Lucky is a good boy, a God fearing patriot. But, if he was hanging out with Dick and Logan last summer, we all know better.

- "I know who you did last summer": Dick's fling with Betina, a non-09er with dreams of becoming more by any means necessary, was not what he thought: unbeknownst to him, Betina was not on the Pill and was planning an "unplanned" pregnancy to announce to the world what Dick has been up to (in to?). Was she pregnant?

- Fingers in the food: After the bus crash Rhonda's parents collected $2 million after supposedly finding a severed finger in their rib sandwich at a certain burger chain run by a certain shady mayor type person. Was it a payoff from something other than an employee's missing digits?

- More valuable dead: Turns out Big Dick took out a huge insurance policy on Little Dick and the Beav. I smell fish... Could that be a... red herring?

Other major VM events: Wallace and Logan are so BFF. OK, not really, but they joined forces for a science project this week. Through their interactions, Wallace was clued in on something we LoVe shippers have been screaming since episode one of season two: "OMG Logan totally still loves Veronica!! Squeeeee!" Looks like Wallace has joined our ranks. He can be the skipper of the LoVe ship!

Finally, Veronica got into Stanford and couldn't be happier... for about five minutes and then she learned that her chances of winning the Kane Scholarship may be slimmer than she thought. We all know she's going to Hearst, but seeing her so happy about Stanford made me feel a little guilty for wanting her to stay in Neptune. And then I reminded myself that this is a fictional character and my guilt disappeared.

Four more episodes left! Dont forget to tune in tonight!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Did you know...

...she's watching you.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

VM interviews

Here are some terrific VM-related interviews. Click away!

* The Hollywood Reporter conducted an interview with Dawn Ostroff (head of The CW), who cant seem to not mention VM in any interview she is part of. Is that a hint that VM will have a third season?

* IGN talks to Enrico Colantoni (aka Keith Mars). (Warning: contains some spoilers)

* TV Guide chats with Jason Dohring (the snarktastic Logan Echolls). (mild spoilers within)

* iF Magazine grills Michael Muhney (Don Lamb) about VM in this two-part interview (spoilery)

* Go Pirates! The second episode of VM's first and only podcast has a special interview with Michael Muhney!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My VM review for Entertaining U

Appearances can be deceiving. By all accounts Veronica Mars should have never been made. I mean, it’s a UPN show about a teen detective. Based on the premise alone, no one should be watching this show! And yet, the series has an extremely rabid fan base and enough critical acclaim to have kept it on the air for two seasons despite lackluster ratings.

Veronica Mars is about a girl (Kristen Bell; Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical) who has had a tough time in high school, but not for the reasons most of us did. During her sophomore year, Veronica’s best friend Lilly (Amanda Seyfried; TV’s Big Love) was brutally murdered, her father lost his job as the local sheriff, her mother ran out on them and the title heroine herself was drugged and raped at a party. And you thought you had problems! During season one, a year has passed and Veronica is trying to make sense of all that’s happened to her. Her father Keith (Enrico Colantoni; TV’s Just Shoot Me) is now a private investigator and, thanks to his resources, Veronica is able to conduct her own investigations which include tracking down her deadbeat mom, figuring out who raped her and looking for Lilly’s killer. By the end of season one, Veronica manages to solve all these mysteries, making some unlikely friends and ruthless enemies along the way.

Season two, which is now airing on UPN Tuesday nights at 9, brings Veronica a whole new set of mysteries including a devastating and suspicious bus crash that killed six of her classmates and the unsolved stabbing death of a local biker. And, like season one, Veronica manages to solve smaller mysteries along the way, often at the behest of her fellow classmates. Recently, for example, Veronica tracked down a person attempting to blackmail closeted gay students. These “mysteries of the week” are especially interesting to casual viewers who may not catch every episode but enjoy seeing Veronica take down a bad guy in a way only she can.

It’s a common misconception that Veronica Mars is a show for teenage girls. While at first glance it certainly fits the profile, Veronica Mars transcends the genre with it’s sly, snarky humor and it’s darker than dark storylines. Add to that the film noir element that the show’s creator Rob Thomas (not the guy from Matchbox 20) strives so hard to achieve, and Veronica Mars is a one of a kind series that draws viewers two and three times the age of the show’s main characters. Some of the show’s most famous fans are a prime example of how Veronica Mars defies the teen girl stereotype. Both Joss Whedon (creator of TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and indie trailblazer Kevin Smith (Clerks) adore the show and have even had guest starring roles this season. Earlier this year, famed horror writer Steven King absolutely gushed over the show in a column for Entertainment Weekly saying “It bears little resemblance to life as I know it, but I can't take my eyes off the damn thing.”

At this point you may be asking yourself why you haven’t heard of this show before. The answer is simple: the average Jacksonville resident doesn’t get UPN in their home, at least not at a reasonable hour. Here in J-ville, Fox 30 airs UPN shows after their regularly scheduled programming, so if you’re a fan of this amazing show you have to wait until midnight to see it (or set the old TiVo!). Those who aren’t night owls or insomniacs can still check out season one of Veronica Mars on DVD.

Veronica Mars may look like a silly teen show, but beyond the odd-sounding premise, this series is truly a gem complete with terrifically snappy writing, engaging storylines and a cast of talented young actors who are sure to have careers in the biz for years to come. I have no doubt that after one or two episodes you will be completely hooked on this phenomenal show. Get to know Veronica Mars as soon as possible. You won’t regret it!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

VM Podcast!!

Go check out the first and only Veronica Mars podcast! You can hear about ways to help the show, how the ratings are doing, some serious episode discussion and much more.

Speaking of episode discussion, expect my take on "Plan B" in a couple hours. Here's a hint: Best. Episode. Ever.

Veronica Mars: 2.17- Plan B

Looks like the Felix murder has been solved (I guess)! The real witness to the crime (not the coke head doc) said he saw Thumper do it, so there you have it. Instead of waiting around for Lamb to get off his butt and do something, Weevil took matters into his own hands and set our favorite oddly-named biker up to be taken out by the Fitzpatricks. And, boy did they! Thumper perished in the imploding stadium, chained to a urinal. That couldn't have been fun. Of course, Logan won the essay contest so he's the one who got to push down the plunger. I respect that irony!

Speaking of Logan, his antics as deputy commissioner were awesome, from his swearing in ("It burns...") to the stealing of Lamb's parking space. I vote that he retains the position for the rest of the season. And I bet Woody does too...

Because, ew, he totally molested him after their "work out". Is this a hint that the Woodman is secretly gay? Expect my guesses and predictions after next week's episode!

Wallace surprised me this time around. He dumped Jane (awww :( ) and tried to hook back up with Jackie, who, while attempting to fix her reputation, aint having it. And good for her! She would have looked like a jerk and that added to all the speculation about her dad would have been terrible for her.

Another crazy twist was Mac and Beaver's break up. How weird was the Beav this week? His reaction to Mac's wanting to move forward in their relationship was bizarre. Many fans think it's a sign that he's gay but I'm not buying it. I'm also not buying the theory that Beaver was molested by Dick or that Beaver was born a girl. I may be on board with the "Beav has a STD" theory, but that's the only fan conjecture on the topic that I feel comfortable with. I have a good deal of love for the Casablancas boys, so I just cant bring myself to believe that either of them is as evil as some have been claiming. God, I hope I'm right!

Another coupling that got some attention this week was the beloved LoVe ship. Those who think Veronica and Logan don't have chemistry together need their heads examined. Their slow dance was so sweet compared to all their snark these days and, while I love me some snark, these moments make me swoon, seriously. If the writers can manage to keep them apart but throw in stuff like this every other episode, I would be a very happy girl.

Furonda, one of the girls from Top Model, made an appearance and did a great job, better than the other two who have appeared on the show hands down. I don't think she deserved the role (I think Mollie Sue was better during the challenge that won Furonda the part), but I must admit, the girl can act.

Check out the opening scene for next week's episode "I Am God" and don't forget: Veronica Mars moves to Tuesdays starting next week!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Veronica Mars bookmarks!

To help the cause I designed a couple of bookmarks.

Now, how exactly will VM bookmarks help the show you ask? Simply print out a few (hundred) and head over to the library. Find yourself some popular books (think Oprah book club popular or check the New York Times best seller list, check out Amazon for their most popular selections etc.) and put one of your freshly printed VM bookmarks in said book and walk away. When someone checks out the book, you've planted a seed and hopefully the show will be able to reap a harvest of new viewers!

Please feel free to share these!